Rotary Club of Cebu Highlights – 1932 to 2012
RY 2012 - 2013 “Peace Through Service”
The Rotary Club of Cebu goes International! President Jonie and some club members toured the country and region, visiting Sister and Friendship Clubs bringing felicitations from our club and inviting them to our 80th Foundation Day. We continued the Permaculture Project, HLPP, CCSGC as well as the CITE Projects; Contributed to victims of the flood in Manila through our sister club, RC Bagumbayan; Actively participated in the Zone’s Dengue Eradication Program, for the Province of Cebu; Conducted typhoon Sendong Relief Operations in Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon; Supported Cardiac Surgeries on 6 beneficiaries of our Gift of life Program; Signed MOA with the Rotary Club of Cebu Port Center for joint Community Outreach Projects: Rotary Community Corps and San Remegio Community High School Building Project; Hosted reciprocal visits from Suster and Friendship Clubs; Hosted 3 visiting GSE Teams from Sydney Australia, Central Pennsylvania-USA and Corpus Christi Texas-USA. We hosted a 3 day celebration of the club’s 80th Foundation Day with delegates from RC Singapore East, RC E-Club of Singapore, RC Brunei. RC Seven Star, RC Hongkong New Territories, RC Manila, RC Bagumbayan, RC Makati West, RC Rizal West, RC North Bay East and Cebu Rotary Clubs.
Six (6) Rotarian and wife attended the Rotary International Convention in Bangkok, Thailand.
The club contributed US $ 24,180.78
RY 2011 - 2012 “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”
Club focus on four major projects including; Changing Lives of Street Children – Community Scouts; Changing Hope of Overage Students – Holistic Life Preparedness Program; changing opportunity for Livelihood – Permaculture; and Saving a Life of Many- Gift of Life. A very successful concert with leading Glee Clubs of Local Universities provided funds for the successful correction of congenital heart defects of 7 children. We lost the venerable PDG Rex Reyes (1913-2011)
TRF Contributions: US $ 11,420.00
RY 2010 - 2011 “Building Communities - Bridging Confidence”
Finally, a home… the Community Scouts Youth Rehabilitation and Guidance Center (CSYGC) building was inaugurated with our benefactors – officials of the City of Cebu and Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Yotsukaido, Japan, a baby of Past President Ricky Dakay. A Perpetual Scholarship Fund was also established at the Center of Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), a baby of Past President Joe Soberano. A successful Gift of Life Concert provided the club with the needed funds to establish it’s Gift of Live Project.
TRF Contribution: US $ 11,300.00
RY 2009 - 2010 “The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands”
Continuing construction of CSYGC building. The second project in the Holistic Life Preparedness Program designed to give assistance to overage students. Participated in the voice of our youth Speech competition with our participant winning at the district level. Rotary Club of Cebu achieved #1 contributor to the annual programs fund of TRF; Past President Dodong Chan honored as Outstanding Club TRF Chair. Number 1 contributor per capita from the Annual Program Fund of TRF. Four members of the club became Major Donors of TRF; Ricky Dakay, Ed Gaisano, Baba Panopio and Joe Soberano.
TRF Contributors: US $ 16,690.00
RY 2008 - 2009 ''Make Dreams Real''
“The future of Rotary is in you… Received full support from the Rotary Club of Goyang (Korea) for our Holistic Life Preparedness Program (HLPP) with a matching grant of $23,000.00. The distrcit launched the Paul Harris Society with the first four members being from Rotary Club of Cebu – Ricky dakay, Ed Gaisano, Baba Panopio and Joe Soberano. Forged a friendship pact with the Rotary club of West Suwon (Korea). Launched the Voter’s Education Animation Project and put into action a serious educational outreach to more than 2 million voters in Cebu. Received top honor at Discon; Highest per capita contribution to TRF.
TRF Contributions: US $ 3,900.00
RY 2007 - 2008 “Rotary Shares”
To underscire the importance of our 75th Year, a balik president was chosen – John Domingo. The club participated in District activities – TRF seminar with PRIP Bhichair Rottakul, mangrove planting in Liloan, book donation to Opao Elementary School. Published the coffee book edition of the Sugbuanon and distributed widely – The 75th anniversary celebration included the ground breaking and cornerstone laying of the 4-storey Community Scouts Youth Rehabilitation and Guidance Center with our sister clubs in attendance from Tawau, Kota Kinabalu, Singapore East at Brgy Vito, Minglanilla. Sister pact club with the Rotary Club of Jade Spring of Taiwan was forged. Another harvest of awards at Discon – Holistic Life Preparedness Porgram launched. Had Bohol trips with Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu and Tawau.
TRP Contributions: US $ 11,750.00
RY 2006 - 2007 “Lead the Way”
The seed of the club’s gift of life program was planted when we were challenged by officials of Gift of Life Foundation of New York, New York Rotarians and the Rotary Club of Cebu and the Rotary Club of Cebu West. The rest is history. Coinciding with our club’s anniversary, we were visited by the Rotary clubs of Tawau, Kota Kinabalu and Singapore East. A sister club pact was signed with the Rotary Club of Bangkok East – A piano concert featuring Ms. Ingrid Sala Sta. Maria as a fund raiser – Ricky Dakay and Baba Panipio attended RI Convention in Salt Lake Cuty, Utah.
TRF Contribution: US $ 6,643.00
RY 2005 - 2006 “Service above self”
Continued Vitamin A Supplementation Program. Gave cash awards and recognition to special and honor students at OPRA Elementary School. Provided vocational award for best production in upland agriculture. Hosted visit to Cebu of RI President Bill Boyd and Lady Lorna. Visited Rotary Club of Tawau and Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu. A month later josted visit to Cebu of Rotary Club of Bangkok East and signed Friendship Pact. Hosted seminar on Solid Waster Management at the University of Southern Philippines together with our Rotaract Club. Hosted Sto. Ñino Medical Mission from USA to Cebu City and Lapu-lapu City. The Discon gave us a bountiful harvest of awards.
TRF Contribution: US $12,207.76
RY 2004 - 2005 “Celebrate Rotary”
What an induction celebration! Continued Feeding program and Vitamin A Supplementation in OPRA. Conducted Medical, Optical and Dental Clinics in Candolawan Minglanilla together with Rotarians from our sister clubs – Rotary club of Tawau and Rotary Club of New Territories, Hong Kong. Participated in Zone I and district projects – book donations, voice of youth contest, and blood letting, tappig students from University of Southern Philippines. Conducted seminar on Good Governance with Responsible Citizenship. Attended Rotary Club of Makati’s 32nd Induction of Officers. A veritable harvest of awards at DISCON.
RY 2003 - 2004 “Lend a Hand”
Year started with a bang! A memorable induction ceremony. Pres. Tony initiated the wearing of suits at club meetings. Boosted club membership by and additional 11 rotarians. Continued Feeding Program and Vitamin A Supplementation at OPRA. Initiated the “Del Rio Outreach Program, engaged in tree planting, joined zone I bowling tournament – emerging as champions. Hosted ROTEX – Tabitha McMillan from Vanderbilt, Michigan. Sent a big delegation to Rotary’s Centennial – RI convention in Chicago, Illinois – Ricky Dakay, Ed Gaisano, Tony Lozada and spouse Grace, Baba Panopio and Joe Soberano. Received awards galore at Discon and was the highest district contribution to TRF with a donation of $ 17,007.76.
Hands Projects in North Vietnam for harelip operation. It also donated welding goggles to CSYGC for their livelihood projects and some basketballs, volleyball and net for physical well-being of 11 boys at it’s wards.
RY 2002 - 2003 “Sow the Seeds of Love”
Club focused in Community Service, initiating a feeding program and Vitamin A Supplementation in OPRA Elementary School. Conducted Medical Mission in Tulay, Minglanilla. Celebrated 70th Club Character University with another Medical and Dental Mission in Barangay Tap Tap participated in by our Mother Club, Rotary Club of Manila as well as sister clubs – Rotary Club of Makati, Rotary Club of Tawau, Malaysia and daughter club Rotary Club of Dumaguete participated in district projects. Hosted international Matched Club Gold tournament with 9 Rotary Clubs; 3 from Japan, 2 from cebu, Rotary Club of Makati, Rotary Club of Metro Iloilo, Rotary Club of Manila, Rotary Club of Downtown Manila.
RY 2001 - 2002 “Mankind is our Business”
Fellowship and International Service ruled the year. Had 3-day 69th Character Celebration with Sister Clubs. Rotary Club of Singapore East and Tawau, Malaysia in attendance culminationg in a medical mission to Olango Island. Hosted International Matched Club Golf tournament with Rotary Club of Itako, Japan; Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia; Rotary Club University District, Quezon City. Participated in numerous zone and District activities and sent delegates to Chiba District Conference in Narashino City, Japan.
RY 2000 - 2001 “Create Awareness, Take action”
RCC produced 10 club fellowship activities, four domestic inter-club fellowships, three Rotary Seminars, a district convention and Pets-Distas. A total of 18 community projects were materialized. The club was also able to send a delegation to the RI Convention in Argentina and sponsored six students enrolled at Don Bosco for training in woodworking, machine shop, automotive and welding programs. It garnered 15 Distinguished Service Awards and 3 District Governor’s Citation certifications.
RY 1999 - 2000 “Act with Consistency, Credibility, Continuity”
A blood-letting program was done in Ayala Center providing 30 donors. RCC won in the gold fellowship invitational tournament and placed 6th at the inter-Rotary club bowling tournament. The club attended the Distrcit Congress in Davao and garnered awards like RI Presidential Citation and Distinguished Service Awards for Livelihood Project at Sitio Rio, Blood-Letting Program, and Fellowship Conducting, Rotary Exchange Program Assistance to Javier Sala, Sponsorship in Signage at Mangoe Avenue, Assistance at Don Bosco Words in Pasil and Participation in the 1999-2000 Presidential Citation. RCC constructed a multi-purpose building at Del Rio and some toilets at Barangays and donated colored TV to CSYGC. It hosted the Group Study Exhange (GSE) Team from washington. President Shigeru Furukawa brought gifts, sports equipment and 200,000 Yen (75,000) for CSYGC Livelihood project.
RY 1998 - 1999 “Follow Your Rotary Dream”
Aside from contributing $3,700 to the Rotary Foundation, RCC did a blood donation project at USP benefiting 30 donors. It sponsored a contestant t the Youth for Democracy Oratorical Contest and participated in Rotalympics ’98. At the DisCon, it garnered two trophies for winning the Governor’s Award of Distinction, Rotary Dream Team, and Rotary Dream Club as well as Exemplary and Meritorious Award by ADG Catalino Chan. Other awards were President James Lacey Award, outstanding Bulletin “Sugbuanon”, Most outstanding Secretary by the late Angel Ocubillo, outstanding Dream Club President by Jose gapas, and 12 Meritorious Service Project Awards. Ron Duterte donated two big basketballs and two small ones, three soccer balls and two bicycles. RCC hosted DG Takashi Watanabe of Japan in his visit. It also awarded P10,000 cash to top graduating students from maintain barangays and additional P5,000 cash to Valedictorians of Oprah and Lahug Elementary schools. It sponsored two outstanding graduates to attend the RYLA Seminar and did some arrangement to send (if they pass the entrance exam) 10 community scouts to undergo trainingat Don Bosco. Cost of tuition and all will come from the P67,000 donation from RC Yotsukaido, Japan.
RY 1997 - 1998 “Show Rotary Cares - for your community, for our world, for its people”
RCC marked 65 years in service. It had a strong representation at the Governor’s Ball, Rotalympics, Christmas Fellowship, Club assembly, camiguin Fellowship, District Congress and the Pets-Distas ’98. At the 24th District Assembly, RCC was awarded with Presidential Citation for Outstanding Club Participation in the Four Avenues of Service to show Rotary Cares. A tree planting project was materialized in carcar with Rotarians, DENR officials and 60 soldiers from VISCOM (led by Rotarian Majoy General Lito Lapus) planting propagules as early as 5 a.m. A medical mission followed where 60 adults (ages 18 to 88) and 65 children (ages from 18 months to 12) were given medications. A Polio Plus operation was done in Barrio Toong. RCC hosted the GSE Team from Nigeria and for the first time, it became a giving clubby donating $15,000 US Dollars to sister club’s (RC Singapore East) Helping
RY 1996 - 1997 “Build the Future with Action and Vision”
RCC secured donations (50,000 from Senator Arroyo and 100,000 from Manoling Morato) to support its projects. At the DisCon in leyte, it received awards like Outstanding President and Secretary, 6 Certificates of Distinction in Community Service, international Service, Vocational Service and Club Service. RC of Makati donated a 20-foot van of books for the “books across the Seas” project. At Christmas parties for the children at san Roque Parish day Care Center, SOS Village in Talamban and wards at CSYGC, RCC distributed toys, gifts, and clothes. Career talks were done at Abellana National High School. A brand new welding set and gas taks were donated by RC Takematsu for the training and livelihood workshop of CSYGC.
RY 1995 - 1996 “Act with integrity, Serve with Love, Work for Peace”
RCC secured a 200,000 Yen funding from Yosukaido-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan for CSYGC projects. RC Singapore enjoined sister clubs in Kaoshiung East, Tokyo East, Tokyo West and Osaka South West and to join support RCC’s Christmas project that resulted to a 20-foot van book donation and a $5,000 dollar monetary funding. RCC hosted 25 Rotarians and Spouses from Singapore east, 16 from Kaoshiung East, 2 from Osaka South and one from each Tokyo East and Ikebukuro West who distributed the gifts themselves to various recipients.
RY 1994 - 1995 “Be a Friend”
RCC hosted three rotary clubs for dinner and dancing at the District Congress ’95 and later joined by three additional clubs for fellowship. At Distas in General santos, the club garnered awards such as: Outstanding Bulletin “Sugbuanon”; Outstanding Club Project for establishing Four-way test Billboards and donating 20-foot van of books, toys and used clothing to the street children of Cebu; District Governor’s Citation and Most Outstanding Club President for President John Domingo; outstanding Club, Most Outstanding Club Secretary, Outstanding service Award for Manuel De veyra, Jr.; and Presidential Citation for Community Concerns. RCC had some face-lift, planting and painting on Jones Avenue.
RY 1993 - 1994 “Believe in What You Do, Do What You Believe In”
A delegation was sent to the 75th Anniversary of RC Manila. RCC participated the Distas ’94 where it received Outstanding Bulletin Award and Outstanding Service Award. CSYGC’s 23 wards were supported in terms of tuition fee funding. Books donated by RC of Ladner, canada were distributed to Cebu Christian School, Bario Luz Elementary School, Banilad Elementary School, ramon Duterte Memorial Hsand the Drug Rehabilitation Center. At the polio Plus Vaccination day, RCC was assigned to handle four health centers in Ermita, Alaska, Mambaling and Alumnos. It was mission accomplished!
Purpose building in the same barangay (in cooperation with other Rotary Clubs in cebu). It hosted a visit to RI President James Bomar, who later launched polio vaccination at the Cebu City Hospital. The club sponsored awardees for studies at Creighton University in Nebraska and International management in Glendale, Arizona.
RY 1992 - 1993 “Real Happiness is Helping Others”
A tree-planting was done in Busay while a “Street Sweepers Birgade” project cleaned up General Maxilom, Gorordo Avenue up to Ayala Business Park. Some books were donated to Hipodromo Elementary School. The club participated in Polio Plus Immunization Program. It hosted mother club RC of Manila, matched club RC of Makati, sister club RC of Singapore East, brother club RC of Camiguin and numerous daughter club in their visits.
RY 1991 - 1992 “Look Beyond Yourself”
A brotherhood club agreement with Rotary Club of Camiguin and matched club pact with Rotary Club of Makati were both formalized. With the assistance of Rotary Club of Yotsukaido, the club continued to financially support the community scouts at youth Guidance Center and Blessed Sacrament Day Care Center. Together with RC Makati, it donated a set of Encyclopedia Brittanica to Ramon Duterte Memorial High School’s library.
RY 1990 - 1991 “Honor Rotary with faith and Enthusiasm”
A brotherhood relationship with Rotary Club of Makati was formalized. RCC received the Most Outstanding Community Project award for sponsoring ERUF and continued it’s suibsidy to the Community Scouts of Youth Guidance Center and providing salary for a teacher Sta. Luisa Day Care Center. It signed a sister club agreement with the Rotary Club of Singapore east with a delegation of 12 Rotarians.
RY 1989 - 1990 “Enjoy Rotary”
Weekly meetings were interesting and attendance was good. “Sugbuanon” was declared as the Best Weekly Program format in the whole Rotary district. RCC hosted the inter-city forum, joined the Polio Plus immunization being assigned at Sambag I Health Center, and provided a handicraft livelihood for wards of CSYGC. Some Rotarians from Kinagawa and Chib, Japan were hosted during their visits at CSYGC. RCC received a plaque for Most Outstanding Service Project for Humanity in Ormoc City and another one for Polio Plus Service. It’s contribution to Rotary Foundation was recognized. A GSE team from Argentina was warmly accomodated.
RY 1988 - 1989 “Put life into Rotary - Your Life”
The club office was remodelled. Frequent mini fellowships at residences of Rotarians established cohesion. RI president Royse Abbey was honoured during his visit in time for the inter-city meeting. RCC won gold and silver medals in the long jump and was 2nd runner up in volleyball at the Rotalympics. Five scholarships were granted to students of university of the Visayas. Sta. Luisa Day care Center was renovated while a footbridge at Cambawog was completely constructed. The club also hosted GSE and the Rotary Golfing Fellowship Foundation Tournament.
RY 1987 - 1988 “Rotarians, United in Service, Dedicated to Peace”
RY 1986 - 1987 “Rotary Brings Hope”
RY 1985 - 1986 “You Are the Key”
RY 1984 - 1985 “Discover a New World of Service”
RY 1983 - 1984 “Share Rotary, Serve People”
As part of the club’s 3H Program, RCC subsidized six beds at the Cebu City Medical Center Malward and provided for a health aide to supervise, care and follow up malnourished children enrolled in the program. Some care was given to a chold at the Cebu Sunshine center fir the Rehabilitation of Mentally handicapped children. Ten students at Sudlon Agricultural School were given scholarship. Medical clinics were initiated at San Salvador, Sikatuna-Riverside, Bagumbayan Potot and Tinago and Sta. Ana Kapakulon.
RY 1982 - 1983 “Mankind is One-Build Bridges of friendship throughout the World”
An inter-club oratorical contest was held; a cultural night was celebrated at the USC Cultural Center in time for RCC’s 50th year. All past and present presidents were given medallions and chains. The 3H (Health, Hunger and Humanity) program was expanded. Sta. Luisa Day Care Center was remodelled, painted and furnished with books and supplies. Ten scholars grant were given to students at Sudlon Agricultural School.
RY 1981 - 1982 “World Understanding and peace through Rotary”
The Rotaract Club of Cebu Doctor’s College of Dentistry was charactered and later donated books to Sibunga’s countryside library. Wards at Cebu City Hospital and Cebu Velez General Hospital were subsidized while San Salvador Labangon Charity Clinic was made oparetional. Scholarships were granted to 10 students at Sudlon Agricultural School. The club also sponsored two students to join the Rotary Exhange program and accommodated two inbound students from New York and Australia.
RY 1980 - 1981 “Take Time to Serve”
RY 1979 - 1980 “Let the service light the Way”
The Rotary Club of Cebu Foundation was approved by SEC on February 8, 1980. A fund-raising activity entitled “See a movie and win a car” provide it’s seed money. The interact Club of USP – Mabini was re-activited whole Rotaract Club of Southwestern university- College of Dentistry was oraganized. RCC constructed an all-steel water tank in Bliss, Labangon and Built a multi.
RY 1978 - 1979 “Reach out”
All legal papres for the creation of Rotary Club of Cebu Foundation, Inc were prepared. Tha Juvenile Detention Home Project was created. Artesan wells were installed in a Sitio in Lahug. A beautification project of the center islands on Osmena Boulevard was done. RCC sponsored operations of hareplip patients and gave scholarship to 10 students at Sudlon Agricultural School. An inbound Rotex student was hosted while an outbound participant was sponsored by the club.
RY 1976 - 1978 “Serve to Unite Mankind”
RCC won the Best in attendance Award for Class A clubs in the district. It continued with it’s malnutrition project and provided for the cataract operation and hospitalization of Patricio Laba. It sponsored the construction of a footbridge over the creek in Alcohol Street, Zapatera and improved sanitary facilities by providing toilets (in cooperation with CIDA). It conducted an on the-spot art contest and sponsored a tennis tournament for underprivileged kids.
RY 1975 - 1976 “To dignify the Human Being”
The Rotary Nutri-Pak Processing Plant was placed on operation at Cebu Institute of Medicine-Cebu Velez General Hospital Malward. The club also materialized deworming and treatment of Vitamin A deficiency cases and distributed metal drums to various barangays. RCC initiated the Sta. Luisa Day Nursery Project where a teacher is given a stipend to give lessons to children of the poor living in North reclamation. RCC also hosted the First Rotary Olympics.
RY 1974 - 1975
In cooperation with Cebu Malwards Councils, the Rotary Nutrition Mobile Unit was placed in operation, with financial assistance from RI World Community Service, through RI District 351 (Japan).
RY 1973 - 1974
The malnutrition Program was first started and implemented.
RY 1970 - 1972
RCC membership enjoyed a steady growth until it reached a record of 105 Rotarians during terms of Silvio Santos and Claro Cinco.
October 31, 1961
RCC sponsored the organization of Rotary Club of Cebu West. In the 60’s, RCC had projects as donation of traffic signs, establishments of Cebu Boys Town, waiting sheds, welcome arch, mobile medical clinic, donations of books to needy schools, medical indigency program, scholarships and support to scouts.
RY 1951
The Rotary Club of Cebu attended the RI convention in Atlantic City headed by the first district-governor nominee Tingting Faelnar.
RY 1947
RCC sponsored the organization of the Rotary Club of Tacloban.
September 1945
“Back to Rotary” movement. Rotary club of Cebu was revived after the dark days of the Japanese Occupation in 1941.
RY 1939
RCC sponsored the organization of Rotary Club of Dumaguete.
October 8, 1932
RCC was organized under the sponsorship of Rotary Club of Manila